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Hello from Gina

By Gina


My name is Gina. I'm a writer living in Yogyakarta (Jogja) for over 15 years. I'm a mom of two gorgeous kids. I love writing, watching movies/dramas, jogging, skincare, and exploring new places.

For you travel enthusiasts, Jogja is a must-visit. Why? Because there's so much interesting stuff to discover here. From the simple tradition of motorbike/car drivers who rarely (or almost never) use their horns on the road, instead using them to greet their neighbors!

And there's also a trending activity in Malioboro lately. Have you tried being photographed by a professional photographer in traditional Javanese attire at an affordable price? That's just the tip of the iceberg. There are still many tourist spots, culinary delights, or aesthetic accommodations in Jogja that are worth trying and sharing on social media.

To make your travel more memorable, I'll provide some insights that might serve as your navigation during your visit to Jogja. So, keep an eye out and subscribe to Struttingsiesta to not miss out on interesting information from Yogyakarta!

Every day is sunshine. Let’s explore and shine!

Bahasa Indonesia


Namaku Gina. Aku adalah seorang writer yang tinggal di Yogyakarta (Jogja) sudah lebih dari 15 tahun. I’m a mom of two gorgeous kids, yang punya hobi menulis, nonton film/drama, jogging, skincare-an, dan explore tempat baru.

Nah, buat kamu pecinta traveling, wajib banget nih berkunjung ke Jogja. Kenapa? Karena ada banyak hal menarik yang bisa kamu temukan di sini. Sesimple tradisi pengendara motor/mobil yang jarang (atau hampir nggak pernah) make klaksonnya di jalanan, tapi… justru dipakai buat nyapa tetangganya lol.

Terus ada juga aktivitas yang lagi tren belakangan ini di Malioboro. Difotoin sama fotografer profesional pakai baju adat Jawa dengan harga murah meriah, udah cobain belum? Ini mah belum seberapanya. Masih ada lagi banyak tempat wisata, kuliner, atau penginapan aesthetic di Jogja yang layak kamu coba dan share di media sosial.

Nah, biar traveling kamu makin nyaman, aku bakal kasih guideline (based on my experience) yang mungkin bisa jadi navigasi kamu selama berkunjung ke Jogja. Jadi, pantengin terus dan subscribe Struttingsiesta biar nggak ketinggalan info-info menarik dari aku!

Everyday is sunshine. Let’s explore and to be shine!


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